Hatchard's Way Manipulative Muscle Therapy (MMT) is named after Bill Hatchard, from Adelaide, Australia. He has devised a treatment that brings speedy relief of injuries, aches and pains. As he says in his book published in 2003, "Our bodies comprise a series of muscles, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, nerves and cords - for efficiency each of these have an optimum resting place or groove from which to operate. Put simply when they get tangled or out of the alignment of their designated groove they give problems ranging from pain to an inability to function with certain limbs. My method removes these tangles or misalignments. This then permits the blood to flow normally again, bringing much needed oxygen to that part of your body In addition, releasing the pinched nerves usually brings instantaneous relief from pain."
Responding to an ad in our Reflexology newsletter, I was able to learn from Bill Hatchard himself when he came to Palmwoods, and later again to the Gold Coast. I continue to be impressed with the painless and quick recovery this treatment gives.